Data-Driven Business in Renewables

Solutions for Data-Driven Green Energy Solutions Providers, and more.

Connect all the data related to wind or solar generation performance in one place and use the to optimize the efficiency of your asset’s utilization.

Benefits For Companies From the Renewable Energy Sector

Gain in-depth insights into asset performance through a unified data model, transparent, vendor-independent, real-time KPI calculations (e.g., energy availability). Detect process malfunctions, estimate their business impact, and optimize maintenance expenses with predictive schemes.

Availability calculations

Calculate basic KPIs like energetic availability, measure losses caused by maintenance, unplanned downtimes or various types of curtailment.

Maintenance scheduling

Integrate forecast data into your maintenance scheduling – maximize maintenance activities in low-production periods, thanks to accurate forecasts.

Support for onsite technicians

Provide your onsite teams with mobile access to real-time asset data, KPIs and algorithms as well as operational knowledge base. Keep them updated with HSSE warnings, like lightning and track their position for security purposes.

Asset efficiency

Apply efficiency and availability assessment to every asset and every site. Identify the underperforming assets and use advanced analytics to find the rootcauses ranging from mistakes in firmware to faulty equipment.

Anomaly detection

Build digital twin of your assets and use multidimensional analysis to detected malfunctions in wind turbines. Classify them and take actions before the problems materialize as downtimes.

Maintenance strategy planning

Compare and optimize maintenance strategies for your PV and wind farms (particularly offshore) by calculating probabilities and impacts of breakdowns as well as maintenance costs. Consider multiple business factors such as data from the assets, history of breakdowns, costs and availability of services teams, weather and generation forecasts.

Data quality

Apply transparent measures to quality of your data. It is crucial for trustworthiness of your KPI calculation but also for any further use cases on your data like for examples using it to feed ML and AI models. Know how many real data samples was used to calculate KPIs, Identify uncalibrated sensors like anemometers and make you operational data store single source of truth for any other systems.

Forecast integration

Integrate forecasts with real-time generation data to be able to asses the quality of forecasts and identify any mismatch before eg. using the forecasts by trading departments . Feed the models of the forecast providers with real-time and quality-checked data feed to maximize forecasting efficiency.

Portal for site managers

Empower site managers with a single source of truth for immediate access to data-driven analytics results, including KPIs and issue insights. Enable them to comment on breakdowns, input data, and take actions during incidents like downtime. Provide comprehensive site management tools, from reports and dashboards to real-time event information and integration with other business systems such as Asset Management or CMMS.

Lifecycle Assessment

Smart RDM platform streamlines Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) by collecting, organizing, and analyzing vital data, simplifying environmental impact evaluations across product lifecycles. It empowers businesses with data management and impact assessment tools for informed decisions, promoting eco-conscious production and consumption.

Selected Key Indicators

Capacity Factor

The Capacity Factor is a vital metric for evaluating wind farm efficiency. It gauges real-world electricity generation against the maximum possible output, offering valuable operational insights. Calculated as a percentage, it reveals how effectively wind turbines convert wind energy into electricity.


The KPI assesses wind turbines and farms for reliability and uptime, measuring the operational time percentage. It considers interruptions like maintenance, ensuring sustained, efficient wind energy production. This metric is pivotal for the wind energy sector’s consistent performance.

Wind Turbine Performance

The KPI assesses individual turbine efficiency, uptime, power curve performance, and operating hours in the ideal wind speed range. These metrics offer vital insights for optimizing energy production within a wind farm.

Downtime and Maintenance

Use the KPI to track scheduled and unscheduled maintenance duration, optimizing schedules, minimizing disruptions, and maintaining wind energy system efficiency and reliability.