Take better and faster decisions in your production management
Acquire any data from any sources, transform when needed and make it visible for your teams (from machine to a factory level). Schedule reports distribution with all necessary data access control.
Acquire data from multiple sources, sensors, machines, files or data services. Transform, and make it visible with real-time graphs or distributed reports. Component, machine, production line or factory level – as needed.
Make all anomalies, alarms or other predefined events fully traceable and actionable. Increase you productivity with adhoc events management.
Make sure all signals and data is properly and completely collected to avoid data distortions. The better the data quality is, the more reliable further analytics.
Manage all production data in a single platform. Validate and enhance with necessary structure, context and quality control. Prepare your data for further analytical projects.
Real-time data series from the production, context data from ERP or external data services, documents repositories – all in a single structured and manageable space. Ready to combine and convenient access.
Build production assets framework to replicate production processes and data flows. Use digital twin to simulate different scenarios to empower users with data driven recommendations.
Validate and adjust data comming from sensors or machines. Control any changes with full traceability or acceptance workflows. Monitor data quality 24/7, to make sure you can trust outcomes and KPIs.
Make sure any anomaly, or predefined event, is properly identified and managed. Dispatch tasks, document its completion and update statuses.
Build predefined scenarios for users how to react with different anomalies. Trigger tasks recommendations, or force actions, to make sure this is properly and timely executed.
In case of predefined Event, dispatch tasks or work instruction for users to take appropriate actions. Monitor status, or provide configurable acceptance workflows, to increase control
Execute processes in case of alerts or predefined events. Make sure process is properly executed with statuses or acceptance workflows.
Use data-driven insights, to support decisions on a daily basis. Create condition based scenarios, executing big-data algorithm to provide necessary decision recommendations for users. All on the fly.
Use historical production and contextual data to predict future. Provide recommendations regarding process execution or assets maintenance.
Simulate different scenarios with different data sets. Execute “what if” analysis on the fly to recommend highest success probability scenarios for users.
Adopt newest algorithms and models to empower users with AI supprted recommendations. Search your data, reports or documents repositories with natural language prompts.
Take another step with your time-series data. Make sure data is clean, data streams are stable and your KPI’s are reliable. With all modules of SmartRDM connected with time-series database and other data sources you can deliver any new data monitoring requirements faster and better
Enhance Asset Framework with additional analytics, data validation and acceptance forms to make your data more reliable.
Make sure all data is of proper quality and completeness. Improve quality of your key KPI calculations to make your machines, production lines or factories comparable.
analyse data points usage. Find oud unused data or identify these of low usage to optimize licensing costs or decrease analytical project complexity.