7 Emerging Trends in ESG

Enter the Game-Changing World of ESG Data Platforms Power By AI, Taking ESG Management to the Next Level.

We decided to prepare this report to be a trailblazer for all those who embark on the journey to net zero. It presents seven emerging trends shaping the ESG domain. It is a response to some misconceptions and inefficiencies which we see in the market. Hence, we would like to shed new light on how ESG should be managed and perceived. We hope that this report will be an excellent toolkit for conscious business leaders.
Aleksandra Trojanowska, Managing Director Algorable



Why we prepared this report?

Presenting: Aleksandra Trojanowska – 5 minutes

Report Overview

A high-level overview of the report,
Trends and future of ESG

Presenting: Aleksandra Trojanowska – 25 minutes

Panel discussion


We will discuss ESG from a completely new angle. We will question the most commonly accepted truths.
We will discuss how to leverage technologies to extract value.
After all, quoting Albert Einstein,
‘We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them’

  1. What are the major forces changing the ESG landscape?
  2. Where are we heading ?
  3. How to extract value from ESG?

 20 minutes

Technology as an ESG enabler.


Smart RDM
Presenting Gabriela Grusza – 20 minutes

Microsoft Sustainability Manager – demo

Presenting : Rafał Rumian – 20 minutes

Q&A session

We are witnessing a dynamic transformation of the social and economic system, in which the challenges of sustainable development play a key role. These 7 trends are an excellent signpost for the development of a healthy business that provides a license to operate and builds long-term value, which is the clue to sustainable development.

Maria Krawczyńska-Kaczmarek, Management Board Member & General Director, Responsible Business Forum

Webinar Partners

Logo ConnectPoint
Logo ConnectPoint

Data-driven decision-making has become an overarching trend, especially when it comes to operational management. No one argues that finding the right parameters for a production set-up gives immense savings. Here, I see an analogy to ESG reporting. Automating reporting of ESG metrics gives greater visibility to executives, but most importantly, enables them to monitor and optimise each parameter almost in real time. Keeping pace with a company’s performance in ESG domain enables to actively manage company’s actions and cut down on carbon footprint.

Dawid Pilc, Chief Executive Officer ConnectPoint

Takeaways from the event

Moving from a declarative- to a data —driven approach to ESG helps to improve credibility and transparency. As Chief Sustainability Officers advance to more senior positions, they need digital tools to help them in executing on their ESG strategies.

Generative AI (e.g. OpenAI’s ChatGPT or Google’s Bard) will play a role in ESG management by giving hints and recommendations to how to improve ESG metrics.

More and more companies perceive ESG as a competitive advantage. They create new sustainable products, reach new market niches and loyalise customers.

Using automated ESG reporting helps to track progress in fulfilling ESG targets and actively navigate organisations through green transitions. Full and instantaneous visibility of ESG metrics enables to act quickly in adapting a company’s operations to targets.

As ESG becomes central to business operations both in EU and worldwide, it is important to know not only the regulatory obligations, but also benefits and opportunities flowing from ESG. Changing your perspective will allow you to turn ESG from a cost-center to a value pool.

Reliable partners in ESG

We can help you with :

  • Consulting
  • Building synergy between ESG and Business
  • Delivering the right tools that will help you meet ESG requirements
  • And much more. Find out by contacting us.

Download our report “7 Emerging Trends in ESG” 

In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, where environmental, social and governance issues take center stage, the importance of ESG data cannot be overstated. ESG data is becoming an indispensable tool in modern business, enabling companies to measure, track and report on sustainability efforts.

Unfortunately, today we are in a place where collecting, processing and analyzing data leaves much to be desired. Without access to the right data, achieving successful results and staying competitive in the market can be much more difficult, regardless of how much time, budget and effort you put into it.

Daniel Kiewra, PhD, Lead Expert on Climate and Energy Responsible Business Forum